Specter Summer Solstice 2019


Starting at 5.54 PM on June 21st, coinciding with Summer Solstice, this evening will include an immersive art program as well as a cross-disciplinary dialogue between scholars from different scientific fields, artists, (digital) designers, technologists and healers. 

The dialogue will serve to map the territory between different disciplines, covering terminology that is used, but interpreted differently, in the fields of technological world-building and ancient self-mastery.

Using the format of a sharing circle, we will systematically explore the mazes these terms present us with. The conversation, with individual interpretations of these terms, will be recorded and transcribed to create an open-source glossary (to be further developed after Summer Solstice). 

The artist program will include video screenings and ritual artist performances, with which we aim to advocate for a radical resensitization within our technology enabled nature.

The night will see hybrid DJ sets and mind-enhancing potions.