A body is a temporal unity.
Any member separated from it, still points towards it.
As part of a whole is a means to refer to that whole.
A collection of bodies can unite, as members in a society.
If a member cut off from a society still refers to that society, then the society is not just.
One member of a society should never suffice as the articulation of the whole.
And thus, a just society is not to be regarded as a body, but should be formed from body parts only.
The body parts should be so randomly scattered about that they cannot be traced back to any specific body, or any original hierarchy.
They shall form temporal bodies instead.
A just society is one based upon such temporal unities.
Language is the system of temporal unity.
As a whole,language is not unified.
There can be no right order of characters, words and sentences.
And therefore all unities created with it, can only be temporal.
The parts with which to create such temporal unities change at different speeds:
Characters evolve, words change conservatively, sentences change like revolutions.
The slower the pace of change, the more random the part.
And as such, language is never able to conclude itself.
As language, a just society does not depend on any one permanent unity.
And so the citizens of a just society should not be able to form a static field of signs.
On the contrary:
A just society shows itself in the temporality of the sentences uttered within it.
And so when language has become nothing but a static field of signs, it must be broken.
A word is a broken sign.
To conclude:
To get a clear understanding of the form of a just society, one is to get a clear view of the form of language.
This form of language is not what comes out of any one mouth, nor anything coming from any majority.
What then is this form of language?
To see the form of language, one must speak in tongues.